Monday, September 27, 2010

No pictures

I know it has been a while since I posted pictures but I have no way of getting them off my phone on onto the computer that isn't even mine computer. :) It will still be a while until I can post some more pictures. It is really hard just doing nothing so I am doing everything that I can to get busy and stay busy.

Right now I am in the process of racing the kids reading to see who finishes their book first. LOL!! As it stands right now I am winning but Rhett is in close second and Nikole is in third. Of course Gavin and Dylan that cannot read yet I am reading to them almost every night. Rhett is in the middle of Leven Thumps #5 and Fablehaven #2. Nikole is in the middle of Harry Potter #4. I am in the middle of Eldest. I found out that there is a book 4 in that series and I am so sad that it isn't even out after 2 years. :( Oh well I still have book 3 to read before book 4. LOL!

Rhett has been reading for 4 hours today trying to get ahead of me and trust me it isn't going to work. Wah ha ha ha ha!!!

Talked to the doctors today and told them to set up the meeting in November and them let me know since the last test will be done in October. I am needing info that I feel the doctors just don't want to give me info. There are a few assistants that have been trying to help me but still it isn't enough. Hope that we can get things set up before the end of the month that way I know what day I have to get a babysitter so I can go to the meeting also.

It is so hard waiting my turn at the computer. I can only use it after my husband is finished using it since it is his work computer. We are still working on filling out the papers needed by the police and the insurance. We will get it all done with it by the end of the week no matter what! :) Can you see my positive vibes?

Will update when I can and maybe something will change by then. he he he!!!!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Just stuff...

Oh so frustrated!!! I was really hoping for some answers but instead I get to wait. Don't the doctors understand that I hate waiting? Well maybe I should make them wait huh?

It was such a long day today since we didn't have very much going on today since there was no school. The kids didn't even get the house clean. LOL!! Ok I am not a mean mommy making my kids clean the house all by themselves but they do need to clean their own rooms. They need to learn that I am not the maid in the house and everyone works together.

I know that is sometimes expecting too much but heck all I want is my floor back. :) Rhett and Gavin are pretty good about cleaning up their room and working together when they want to... Nikole on the other hand is struggling with the fact that she needs to clean up her room. She wants some help so I figure I would let Dylan help since they share a room. ROTFL!!! Ok now we all know how good a 2 year old can help. She doesn't like having Dylan help very much since he likes to play and make messes.

I guess they will be cleaning up the house tomorrow. Wah ha ha ha!!! Little do they know what is in store for them. :) I feel like this next month is coming on too fast and I am trying to so hard to tread water. I am getting so tired of treading water. Let's just pray that I will be able to figure out how to swim before I drowned.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

One day at a time

Okay so I am rambling I know it. But I am not sure what to do...

We had our 13 year Anniversary and it was one of the best ever! I got some beautiful flowers with a wonderful card, that I will have to post a picture of as soon as I can. Then he had arranged for a babysitter and we went out. We walked and talked, we went out to dinner. It wasn't fancy or anything like that but it was just nice being together and talking and just basically spending time together.

It is so hard not knowing what is going to happen a week or more at a time. I really miss my computer. :( I hate staying up late waiting my turn for the computer when I have had mine for over a year and a half. I just wanted to cry the other day when Nikole asked me if this cat in a book that she has is like Rosa and I realized her final moments with her little girl kitty were captured on the camera but all the pictures are on my computer other than what I had posted. That was the biggest heart ache that I have felt since after the break in.

Rhett is scared that the people are going to come back and break into our house again. He also told me that they took things out of his room in his closet. Which I did look and they did in fact that they took things out of his room but I have no idea what.

Nikole just wants to be a big helper but sometimes I wonder. LOL! She still needs to learn to clean her room, I guess she gets that from her daddy. She is still not wanting to do her homework as well as I want her too. Oh well Rhett didn't either in 3rd grade.

Gavin is really enjoying his class. He was so proud of himself after school yesterday since he had gotten 2 stars! He is really wanting to get 3 stars maybe one day he will get them all but for now I am happy with 1 or 2 stars. :)

Dylan does the cutest little dances when the kids are at school. He has been watching Blue's Clues and he does all the dancing that he sees and he even points out the clues. It is so cute! I hope I can get a video of it and post it. I know you would all get a huge kick out of seeing him do his little thing. :)

There have been many times these last few weeks that I am lost and not sure what to do. I am grateful for the support of my family. I guess since I don't have my computer I will be doing something anything to stopping this feeling of uncertainty. It will be a wait and see thing I guess. Thanks for letting me ramble and get this all out.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

This bites!

So I have been home with no computer all week and man it totally sucks! I thought that I was going to handle it well but man I went stir crazy. I check my email and there are over 400 messages. :o That was bad and it took over 2 hours to go through. I have been working on the police and insurance papers. It is taking longer than I was hoping. I have to just get it done and turn them in ASAP.

Met with the genetics this week and that was hard since I have no new info and neither do they. :( They are going to be getting a hold of the doctors in Washington DC to see if they have found out anything or if they need to fly us down there again for another go around. He is also going to find out if they can get us a case manager at the hospital to get all the doctors in the same room to talk about Rhett and what we can do for him. It won't be until later this year. I wish that we could have some answers now but if I can get them by the end of the year that is great.

Nikole told me the other day "Did you know that in my class they push you?" ROTFL!!! Of course they are suppose to push you. I told her that is is better to be pushed and learn new things every day than it is to be bored out of your mind in class all year long. Of course she doesn't think being bored all year is all that bad of a thing and would much rather be bored. :D She cracks me up! So we asked Rhett which one he would rather do be bored or be learning new things everyday and he told us that he would rather be learning everyday. Go figure the one that already knows everything would like to learn everyday. :)

Gavin is having some issues at school and he told me that he didn't care. WHAT?!?! He better care! He is only starting school and already acting this way. :( It looks like I got my hands full. He is really enjoying school but it is mostly struggling with emotions. I wish I could help him more but I am at a loss. I am trying and so is his teacher but there is only so much that we can do. He is such a sweet boy and likes to cuddle with me in the morning when he wakes up. Makes me feel so special. :) He loves teaching Dylan new things and he often has to get in trouble for teaching bad behavior. That is ok he is learning.

Dylan is the funniest kid on the block. :) Still not talking or signing but loves the facial communication that he displays. He loves learning and is way smart, but it is too bad that he doesn't want to corporate when they are testing him or trying to work with him. He wants to be a big kid and tries to do big kids things but he is so small. I don't think that he realizes that yes he is old but not as big as the same kids his age. I hope he is not coming down with anything that is going to need any hospital time. I like not being in the hospital with sick kids.

I will have to update more often. But until I get a new computer I will update when I have a chance.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Just want to cry....

Well if you are my friend on facebook you already know that my house was broken into today. :( I know I have been very emotional and scared and hurt and there are many more things going through my head.

To recap the day...

Rhett had 102 degree temp this morning and so I put my foot down and told him that he was not going to school. Called the doctor and got an appointment for 10:20 am. Well that is good considering I am under a lot of stress and having a sick child doesn't help with the problem.

So I have been running around through the morning to get all the boys out and to the doctors in time. Well we were off at 10! Yeah we might actually make it on time. :) I think that would be amazing...

So we get there and hurry and wait. Just like any other normal family visiting the doctors office. I was just hoping that we could be done so I could take Gavin to school since his class starts at 11:45 am. The doctors finally sees us and just our luck there is no reason that Rhett should be having these fevers. They are going to be treating my boys for walking pneumonia. Just what I wanted. NOT!!!

Well we are out of there and it is 11:35 am! Hey we might actually make it to school on time. This is working out better than I thought it would. :) So I run Gavin in and get Rhett's homework and then take my other boys home.

We drive into the garage a little before noon. I walk in the door and see that the gate to my stairs is off. My first thought was that daddy came home looking for something downstairs. I look in my kitchen after I put the gate back up, and don't see my computer. Was I sitting in there with that this morning? Well as I am thinking of that and after my boys came in from the car I walk into my living room. My front door is open. HUH? Why would that be open? Maybe daddy forgot to close it. As I take a closer look I realize that it had been kicked in. I grab the phone not knowing if there is anyone in my house besides us or not. Called 911 since I was panicked not knowing. Was told to go outside and wait for the police. So me and the boys go sit on our front grass. I call my husband and told him and asked that he come home. He did which I am so grateful for. The police arrived as I was on the phone with my mom trying to calm myself down knowing that my kids would feel the stress in me if I didn't.

Well they walked through the whole house and found nobody. Very sad that they didn't find anyone but grateful that me and the kids were safe... well as safe as I could be considering. After the police were finished searching the house we went in and found out that besides my laptop that was taken, my husbands coin collection, my FIL coin collection that he gave my husband was taken, Rhett's bag of money was taken, game platforms for video games were taken, and video games themselves were taken. The people or person that did all this went through all my drawers and took everything that they could get their hands on that was of value to them. My heart aches to know that my laptop was taken. I have my business on that and all the pictures that I have taken and have not posted are on there. :'( I am praying that we can at least find that.

I really don't want to clean up my room because I think I will have a break down just thinking about what has happened. I have been crying off and on lots and it is getting to the point that I wonder if I would be able to stop if I just let it all out. Hummmm.... I guess one day I will find out this vital info.

If anybody that reads this can help me by keeping an eye out for my Lenovo laptop I would be most grateful. I seriously need that. That is were I have my calendar since my kids kept taking my paper one. Please keep us in your prayers and thoughts during this hard time. Thank you all for caring so much.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Oh man!

Heck trying to get all the kids to do their homework is harder than I thought.

I talked to the teacher for Rhett this year. I let her know that he really needs some educational goals since he has not had them in... I don't even know the last year he had educational goals. :( She told me that he is the smartest kid in the class. How the heck did that happen?

I talked to the pediatrician and let him know of all the things that we have been through. Let him know that I have a cardio cath set up for Rhett and after that we are having a pow wow with the doctors to get a care plan for Rhett set up. I asked him who else should be involved and he also wants the genetic doctor there. FINE! I will be seeing him later this month also. I will let him know what is going on and then we will go from there. I just don't understand... they claim that what the boys have is genetic but have yet to prove anything.

I would really like some solid answers from these doctors. I know Rhett is getting more and more aware of himself and that makes it even harder when he wonders what is going to happen to himself. I wish I had answers to give him. I guess if I cannot get answers I can always try a second opinion but I am not sure who I would ask.

As I am writing this Rhett tells me that he is freezing. So of course I feel his head and he is frying up! I bet I could have cooked a egg on his head. I take his temp and it is 101.3 F. Great now he has a fever and it is the 2nd week of school. Well I guess it shouldn't surprise me since one of his cousins had strep and another one was diagnosed today with walking pneumonia. GREAT! Just what I need, NOT! Oh well. It just makes me smile since one of the boys in Rhett's class asked me if he gets sicker easier then them. Well let's see.... uh yes he does. But then he shares with his baby brother and between them it is a very fine line. Great I guess no school for him and doctors first thing in the morning. I guess I can be there by 8 am... right? Well I would have all 3 boys with me. HECK NO! There is no way I am going to make it that early in the morning, but I will be calling them first thing in the morning so I can get them all see and that way we can kill what ever they all have except Dylan. He is the only one not sick at the moment. I was going to get them in soon for the flu shot but I think that will have to wait.

Nikole is just like her daddy she waits until the last moment to do her homework and then when she does it is sloppy and needs to be corrected. I am so glad that isn't like me. I know that when I was young I would get my homework done ASAP since I knew I could go play after I finished.

Gavin got his first homework this week and lost it. He was working so hard on it and yet now it is no where to be found. Man I thought we were off to a great year... Ok be positive... Things will get better his homework will just appear out of air. :) Oh ok that is too positive. Well then I guess I will be talking to his teacher and getting another packet for him to start working on again, but that just means he is going to have to do even more than he bargained for since it all has to be turned in Friday. :( I might ask his teacher if I can feel out the info that he worked so hard on with the last packet and have him finish the rest. Maybe I guess I can hold my breath.

Dylan oh Dylan what to do with you???? Just because mommy wouldn't give you chocolate cake for breakfast or lunch does not make it right to get a permanent marker out and draw on the kitchen counter, the cake box, you hands, your arms, you back, you belly and you face. Goodness I think that people think I don't take very good care of you since you are always getting into the things the other kids leave out like scissors and markers and crayons and glue. I try realy hard to take care of you but you need to learn that those things are not for you and they are also not toys. You draw on paper not the walls, yourself, and any other hard surface that you can find. You don't cut clothes, or toes, or walls. You cut paper and that is after mommy makes sure it is ok for you to cut it up. You don't glue anything! Sorry I have to draw the line somewhere. :) I do love you dear child but goodness what am I going to do with you?

I promise I will up date better. I know that there are some people out there that are holding their breath waiting to find out about my little people and how they are doing. I will be better and hopefully it won't be bad news.

Monday, September 6, 2010

31 in 31 day 31!

Yeah the last one! I cannot believe it!

This is one thing that my boys love doing. :) I know it isn't the best picture but it is the only one that I got while they were playing.

It was fun being able to do this. I would have been able to take better pictures if my camera would have been working but that is ok I got through it ok. Now I just have to catch up on all the other things I have been think that i need to get out. :)

31 in 31 day 30

We went to a movie with Hope Kids and the kids all get get a box of popcorn and a small drink. they loved it! It isn't everyday that we get to go to the movies. After the movies what ever popcorn we have left we go feed the ducks.

When we were feeding ducks we saw some huge fish. I was able to get a picture of at least one fish I didn't scare away. :)

31 in 31 day 29

Almost finished! I cannot believe that it has been that long ago when I started this.

Well this was a picture I took before the bungees got lost. But this is what Rhett takes to school everyday. It is more durable than the portable concentrator. He will be using it for a while.

31 in 31 day 28

Ok so this is what I see sometimes in my back yard. To bad that the kids scare them all away before I can get a picture of them all on the ground. :) LOL Love kids running through birds.

31 in 31 day 27

Oh the 1st was Gavin's first day of Kindergarten! He was so excited!! I am just really glad that he had a great day! I can't believe that he is getting so big! One day I will look back and say, "I remember when you were so young and small." :)

31 in 31 day 26

Nikole Loves playing with things around the house. Well now I know what happened to my laundry basket. :)

ok now

31 in 31 day 25

I know, I know... it has been a few days, but with all the emotional issues that I have been dealing with I was taking the pictures but each time my mind started to think I lost it so I am going to get all caught up today! :)

I know not something creative or anything like that but it was dentist day for 2 boys and Rhett was showing Dylan that it was not scary to be in the chair with people prodding in your mouth.

Friday, September 3, 2010


Well this week is over and I am so grateful for that. It has been very emotional for me, trying to put on a no worries face everyday for the kids when I am having a hard time.

I would like to help more people. I feel like when I help people my pain isn't as bad.

There are times when I wonder how my kids are handling everything that they have to handle. I was so happy that the first week of school went so well. I would for the kids to have an outlet to be able to let everything out that is bothering them.

I need to post some more pictures but I need to get them off my phone first. :) LOL!

Rhett was show and tell in his class this last week on Wednesday. I went to his class and told them all about Rhett and explained to them why he is the way that he is. He has always enjoyed me doing that. It was great to be able to explain in more detail that I used to. I figured that they are all smart enough to understand and I was right they did understand and after they asked great questions. I was happy that they were so involved and wanted to know as much info that I was able to give them. He loves showing his shark bites to the classes that he has been in. I have also noticed that there is less teasing when I explain to the class what he has and what he goes through. It also helps him since there are more kids that know, when there is someone that says something that would hurt him all the kids that know him sticks up for him. Last year every kid in the school knew who Rhett was. That was great walking with him down that hall and even kindergartners and preschoolers would say hi Rhett and hi Rhett's mom. :) That would always make me smile.
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