So I am having mixed feelings and I am not sure what I can do about it.
I live my life in limbo and there are somethings that are consistently in a state where I feel so stuck. I call it between a rock and a hard spot. I am sure you have heard of that expression before, but for me it is true.
Now that Rhett is 12 he is able to be in scouts and go with the scouts and do things with them. For example scout camp, but because of his health he can only do so much. Last year he had his hopes up to be able to go and was so very excited to be able to go. Well the doctors burst his bubble and he wasn't able to go. The main reason was elevation the camp was about 10000 ft above sea level. But the paper work also says that the scout can only participate if you can be transported by ambulance for 30 minutes to a hospital in case of an emergency. Well in any case that wouldn't work for him since in an emergency he would probably have to be life flighted since he has more medical issues than all the boys combined. It is hard because he so much wants to be a "normal" boy and have the same things the have but that is just not possible.
I am sad for him since there is so much that he isn't able to do. Yes he does have great opportunities that are open for him but it just isn't that same. We have had the doctor fill out the papers needed to change some of the merit badges that are required to become an eagle scout.
We are working on getting things done so he will achieve his dream of becoming an eagle scout. I guess we will have to see if he is actually able to go to scout camp next year. I lot of it depends on where it is going to be at.