Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Practice, Practice, Practice...

Practice makes perfect right?  

Well I have yet to see anything close to perfection.  LOL!  

Like I would expect that at all. 

Nikole has been practicing giving good answers with the practice interview questions that were given us at her National American Miss Pageant prep class.  We are going to start working on her personal introduction this week.  We have also been working on her formal wear which is quite hard since there is no way that we can afford all of the dresses out there that will fit her.  The gown that she needs to wear has to be floor length too so that also limits what she can wear.

She is going to be great!!!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Quite sad ....

So I am having mixed feelings and I am not sure what I can do about it.

I live my life in limbo and there are somethings that are consistently in a state where I feel so stuck.  I call it between a rock and a hard spot.  I am sure you have heard of that expression before, but for me it is true.

Now that Rhett is 12 he is able to be in scouts and go with the scouts and do things with them.  For example scout camp, but because of his health he can only do so much.  Last year he had his hopes up to be able to go and was so very excited to be able to go.  Well the doctors burst his bubble and he wasn't able to go.  The main reason was elevation the camp was about 10000 ft above sea level.  But the paper work also says that the scout can only participate if you can be transported by ambulance for 30 minutes to a hospital in case of an emergency.  Well in any case that wouldn't work for him since in an emergency he would probably have to be life flighted since he has more medical issues than all the boys combined.  It is hard because he so much wants to be a "normal" boy and have the same things the have but that is just not possible.

I am sad for him since there is so much that he isn't able to do.  Yes he does have great opportunities that are open for him but it just isn't that same.  We have had the doctor fill out the papers needed to change some of the merit badges that are required to become an eagle scout.

We are working on getting things done so he will achieve his dream of becoming an eagle scout.  I guess we will have to see if he is actually able to go to scout camp next year.  I lot of it depends on where it is going to be at.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Not now!!

I am not sure how it happened but Nikole has gotten sick to the point of losing her voice. :(  This could have happened at a much better time but I guess it was suppose to happen now.  We are still looking for a dress for her to wear.  She is so excited and really wants for July to come faster but I hope that it can stay away as long as possible in order for her to get better.  She has shared her illness with Gavin and I hope and pray that the sharing stops there.  It isn't so bad for them but for Rhett and Dylan it would be really really bad.  Hacking cough and wheezing to start with then it moves into a sore throat and a lost voice.  Really sucks...

I thought summer time was the time when you are healthy but seriously what was I thinking??  LOL!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Time is almost up...

Nikole has only got a little bit of time to get all the people wanting to place an ad in the program in.  We are going to be very busy these next few weeks getting all that together and sent in.  She was so happy to be able to hand out cards to people who have been supporting towards her.  She is very lucky to have so many caring people in her life.

Remember the pageant is on July 15th and July 16th.  This is an all day thing.

It mean so much to her to see how many people we can get there supporting her in person.  If you would be willing and able please contact me and I will let you know all the information.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Graduation and another chapter....

Rhett is officially out of elementary school as of the 7th of June. I am not sure how I am going to deal with having a junior high student. We went to his graduation and we took a ton of pictures because WOW huge milestone for him let alone anyone. As Nikole was sitting next to me she started crying not a little crying a lot of crying and as I was trying to comfort her I asked her what was wrong. She told me that she would miss Rhett. I wanted to point out that Rhett is still in the same house as us. I think it was she is going to miss having him at the same school and helping him and making sure he isn’t being picked on. She is a great sister and a wonderful daughter. I wish that there were more kids out there like Nikole and Rhett. They have such a wonderful relationship. They really love each other. Here are some pictures from that graduation, since I know many people that missed it, but wanted to be there.

I am frustrated that I cannot get the videos that I have to load. :( I guess I better figure out why they are not loading and then fix it.

Almost there!

Nikole has almost raised all the money that she needs to for the state competition!!  I am so proud of her since she has done it all by herself.  She went to a training for the pageant this last week and she is so excited!! :)  She is humbled for all the help that she has had to get to where she is at.  Here are some pictures of her little training. :)  Thank you all who are supporting her.

She has to find people that would like to advertise in the program. If you know of anyone that has a business and would want their business advertised in the National American Miss program that hundreds of people will see let me know. It would support Nikole greatly and help your business at the same time. We are grateful to you all for supporting her in this, since it is what she really wants to do.

12!!! Oh no!

Well Rhett turned 12 on Monday and now I have to attend with a young man. :( Oh boy I am going to have a tough time. Let's just hope that I am up for this and will survive. LOL!!! He always wants to fit in and play with his friends. He even invited a friend over to his birthday party without telling anyone. So we had a little get together had cake and ice cream since it couldn’t be very big any way since graduation was the day after. I am glad that I didn’t do anything big for graduation since there was no way to pull both parties off. I didn’t even have time to make a cake this year which I was ok with since I have decided that 12 is a big number and should have something special since the doctors told me that he would die after he was born. I am very blessed that he has been with us these 12 years already.

Rhett also had his wonderful U-fit volunteer stop by and gave him a gift for his birthday and for graduation since he wasn’t going to be there the next day. It was so very nice of him. He also brought along Nikole’s volunteer with him. I was happy to see them since they mean so much to my kids. Thank you Alex and Jessica for coming over and for the joy that you have brought my kids! I am not sure who it meant more for Rhett, Nikole, or myself.

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