Sunday, March 15, 2015

Thoughts and blood pressure testing

Oh the places you will go, things you will do, and people you will meet.

Rhett asked me to update my blog.  Go figure, maybe he is even reading it.  Who knows?  LOL!

Things have been crazy busy and I hope they settle down soon.  I have been working on me and have some major things in the works right now.  I wish I could say I am meeting this singer and actor that I would love to meet and get to know.  But as I sit here I think that it is funny thinking that if it might not ever happen.  But who knows maybe I can pull it off.  I would love to make contact and get to know them and be the kind of friend that everyone wants.

Kids have started testing and it is crazy.  Who knew what went into writing essays and arguments. Yes I was helping Nikole Google them to give her the info that she was going to need to write well. She already knew all the stuff I googled.  HAHAHA!!  I so didn't know until this year.  Amazing how things have changed over the years.

To be thinking, planning and then acting is amazing.  It is like I am watching myself transform into someone that so different but yet so much the same.  Progress is a good thing and I am excited to be stepping in the right direction for that progress.  I am working on coming up with some most brilliant ideas to put into place and focus on from now on.  Working on yourself is a lot harder than helping other people but if you can do it at the same time then you are AWESOME!

I think I would have a hard time testing while people walk around and possibly look over my shoulder. Maybe that is just me and my hyper-distractive brain but that would bother me slightly.
The kids had some doctor’s appointments recently and it was interesting to have to take then while I am still trying to recover from this nasty cough and cold.  Yes I wear a mask when I go to the doctors with my kids and I am sick.  I don’t like it when people think that just because you are at the doctors it is ok to not wear a mask if you are sick.  You are just spreading illness and those that are not sick but are just there because the doctor needs to follow up with them risk getting sick. SIGH!!  I have a love hate relationship with going to the doctor’s office and seeing doctors.  It is hard to explain, but that is the fact of life.

As I sit here and type this I have noticed that I am getting better with my typing which makes me excited.  I know the smallest things make me so excited. LOL!  The looks that you get from others when you mean a lot to them, the smiles that are tender and hold special meanings, the hugs from those that are care for you sincerely, and an active listener and some understandment.  Oh the caring behind these things, they bring me so much happiness.  Too bad I lack them often.  It is hard when you are lacking something that can be so easily given.

To watch these kids be so disrespectful in so many ways is disheartening to say the least.  What happened to the respect you were supposed to give to those older than you and those that are trying to help you learn and grow?  You would have thunk that it would have grown over time but NO, it has diminished.  I am ready to go back in time when that was everywhere.  But since I can’t go back in time I am ready to move far away where that is still very important and is active in the lives of young people.

Today I am getting a portable blood pressure cuff for Rhett to wear for 24 hours.  I am actually excited about this because his pressure is all over the place and the doctors want to change up his meds and everything.  So tomorrow he will be wearing the cuff to school. We will see how many kids stare at him, oh wait they might already do that.  HAHAHA!  I am a mean, well at least in my mind I am mean.  Maybe I should change that outlook.  Ok from now on I am no longer going to be mean just realistic. :) The more I think about it the more I don't want to be, but if I can stay grounded just enough then I will be ok. If I am grounded too much into reality I can't do it, it is too much and too overwhelming for me.

Oh how I wish that I could communicate with them, get to know them and be their friend.  I enjoy having lots of friends but most of the time that is just not part of the bargain.  I pray that I will one day talk to them and eventually become friends with them.  That is my positive thinking playing a tune just for me to hear.  I hold tight to that tune and I will not let it go no matter what.  That sounds quite childish but it is what keeps me going when I am struggling and I have been struggling lots lately.  I know not the best but at least I am recognizing it as what it is and not what it isn't.

The other day when chopping onions with my sister we ended up talking about me having a heart attack and being buried in the backyard.  I know it sounds morbid and crazy but then I totally turned it around and told her that if I was buried in the backyard the neighbors dogs would raise me from the dead they are so yappy.  I told her that I would rise from the dead and scare the crap out of them dogs.  HAHAHA!  Don't get me wrong I love dogs, but not when they are always barking and not trained. :) Wish I could have a dog but with kids having allergies to animals it makes having an animal hard.

My sister tells me that I am old.  I am so not old!  I told her that when I went to her daughter's baptism someone that knew me when I was growing up told me that I look the same as when I was in high school.  My sister then told me that I couldn't come around because they will see me then they will see her and wonder what happened. HAHAHA!  I don't plan on being around for people to notice.  My motto is: You are only as old as you act.  If you look old and act young you are officially young.  What a great motto to live by, seeing as I am around Jr high kids all day I can act super young.  But I refuse to act young and dumb.  Been there done that, and not doing it again.  She was laughing at my other sister because of her age and I guess she can do that since she is the baby of the family but when she realized that my oldest is 15 and my "little" girl is 13, she also realized that she was old. HAHAHA!!  Yep you are now older then I am sister.  :)  Sweet revenge. 

How I miss the water.  I need to figure out a way to be able to swim when I want to swim.  I watched a video of someone going through scuba training to be a master diver and I would love to do that!! Maybe I could do one day soon.  But then I feel like I would need to move to the ocean so I could go more often.  I might do that too.  Wow my mind is on a trip today trying to escape.  I have a desire to learn, grow, entertain, teach, and be happy.  I have some ideas to obtain my desires but I am not saying what they re just yet I need to work out kinks and make definite plans, but one day I will have all my desires and I will be happy.

I can hardly wait to see the report from the blood pressure cuff monitoring that Rhett will be doing this week!  Gosh the doctors are going to give me grief, and in turn I am going to give the school grief about getting Rhett an aide and having him keep an aide.  They are going to hate me by the time he is a senior.  HAHAHA!  Oh yeah I almost forgot that Rhett asked me over the weekend if I heard the rumors... I was like what rumors?  He said that there are rumors going around that the deaf program will be moving from Skyline to Olympus, and the kids are up in arms about seeing as there isn't any ASL classes over at Olympus.  The kids really like Skyline and are able to make friends with so many other kids since there are class in ASL and there is even a ASL club.  Rhett is worried so I sent an email to an administrator at USDB (Utah School for the Deaf and Blind) and she informed me that they talk about location with the school district every year but they have not had a chance to discuss Olympus yet this year.  They want to move it because it is a newer building so it "ADA accessible" (which Skyline is too) But more so then Skyline according to people. it is closer to the main campus of JMS (Jean Massieu School of the Deaf) where the administrators are going to be building a new building.  Ok so it is closer by ONE mile.  It is 3.3 miles to Skyline from JMS and 2.2 mile to Olympus from JMS.  Seriously ONE MILE!  Ok rant over.  She really wants them to move the program even more so now that Rhett is there.  Are they thinking that this is going to make it easier for students, teachers and parents?  I highly doubt that.  But I also found out that the playground that the deaf and blind kids saved for and fund raised for is going to be torn up to build a building for the 5 blind kids and the administration.  Seriously!!!  Build your building somewhere other then where the playground is located!!!  It isn't fair for those kids to be without just for your personal gain.  I understand you want to build a building for the blind kids and the administrators but that doesn't mean that you have the right to tear apart the playground that they just got 3 years ago in order to build your building.  GEEZ!!!

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