Thursday, April 30, 2015

Holy Cow! Exausting to say the least.

This last month I started to notice that I was crazy tired.  Not the normal thing for me, even if I only sleep 3-5 hours a night.  I am usually running like crazy getting things done that need to be done, cause that is how I roll.  Well anyway I really noticed it when I was at work and I was looking at a teacher and my body felt like it was shutting down on me without permission.  I thought it might have been a fluke.  But when it happened again later that day and then continued for a few days I called the doctor.  Unfortunately I had to wait until the next week to see the doctor.  It was so hard to be looking at the world as you can’t do things that you want to do because you are too tired.  I thought for sure my iron was low and when I made it to the doctor’s on Monday, after taking Rhett to the doctor (I will explain that in a minute), I told the doctor that I normally sleep 3-5 hours and an able to go nonstop all day.  If I get more sleep than that I am dragging.  She looked at me like I was nuts, I felt like saying to her, “What, you want to take my place for a day?” But I didn’t I was nice.  I told her that I think my iron is low and she just was like you need to sleep more and that is all.  I was not happy, I insisted that my iron was low since things were too weird for me zoning and not even thinking about it or giving my body permission to zone.  She placated me and told me they were going to get some blood work and they would call me with the results.  I was grateful that she just was trying to not piss me off completely.  So I had blood work done and went on with my day feeling so tired.  I get a call Tuesday around 5 pm letting me know that my iron was fine but my thyroid was not good and they needed to do more blood work.  I sighed not even sure what that meant but went back Wednesday afternoon and had more blood work done.  Thursday I get a call telling me that my levels were still not good and they were going to put me on medicine.  I was like…. HUH???  What does this mean?  The doctor’s assistant let me know that I have hypothyroidism.  Again I was like… HUH?!?!  What the heck is that?  Well instead of asking her and her trying to explain it in some other language than English, because we all know doctors speak this special code called Doctor Terms and Medical Terminology.  Well I am good at understanding when I am AWAKE!!!  Not when I am too tired to think.  Geez!!!  What do I do….?  I google it.  Yep I was just trying to figure out what was wrong with me.  Without thinking too hard.  LOL!!!  Smart huh?  Well to cut to the chase I find out that my thyroid is underactive, meaning it isn’t producing enough important hormones to keep my body as it was.  It normally happens to OLD people mostly women especially those older than 60 years.  I am not OLD and I refuse to ever be OLD.  I swear my body didn’t get that memo.  Memo to self, inform the body that you are not ever going to get old!!  Gratefully I found out about it before the medical problems that are normally associated with it happened.  They would have been: obesity, joint pain, infertility (like that is a problem), and heart disease. Lucky for me I noticed the sever fatigue which is normally accompanied by weight gain.  But I have not been eating very much since November so I didn’t have the weight gain that it suggested that normally happens.  When I googled it I came across this list that is normal for those with hypothyroidism.

Hypothyroidism signs and symptom may include:
·         Fatigue
·         Increased sensitivity to cold
·         Constipation
·         Dry skin
·         Unexplained weight gain
·         Puffy face
·         Hoarseness
·         Muscle weakness
·         Elevated blood cholesterol level
·         Muscle aches, tenderness and stiffness
·         Pain, stiffness or swelling in your joints
·         Heavier than normal or irregular menstrual periods
·         Thinning hair
·         Slowed heart rate
·         Depression
·         Impaired memory

Out of all of those I only had the ones in red.  I am glad I am so in tune with my body that I know when something is wrong.  I just wish doctors would listen better ot patients.  Oh well I guess they don’t get many people like me in their offices.  HAHA!  I should start diagnosing myself with all my knowledge, oh wait I did just have to google this thing.  :D I guess there is always some drawback.  I am not sure how long it takes for this medicine to kick in but it better be soon I have things I have to do.
Not sure if you can see the bruise from them taking my blood but it is still there, lucky that it is fading.
Ok now back to me taking Rhett to the doctor on Monday.  Over the weekend he told me that he felt hot.  Well actually he was telling me that since the state drama competition in Richfield which was April 9th through 11th.  But of course I didn’t bring anything to take his temperature.  So the following weekend when he told me that I pulled out my thermoscan and took his temperature and it was 103.5, yea just a little high.  OK so I took it 4 times and it all came back over 103.  GEEZ!!!!  I believe he wasn’t feeling good and sleeping lots.  So I took him in Monday morning and the doctor said that they needed an x-ray since they could hear a little bit of yuck in his lung.  So an x-ray was done and the radiologist said there was no difference between his last x-ray and this new one.  But I think the last on was when he was sick too!  HAHA!!  So he was placed on heavy duty antibiotics and I was told by the doctor if his fever was still high by the weekend they would probably admit him to the hospital.  CRAP!!!  I don’t have time for this.  Gratefully his fever finally broke Wednesday and he was able to go back to school Thursday.  We barely made it out of the hospital.  I was happy since I was having problems.  But without the antibiotics he would have struggled to breathe even more than normal and he would have ended up in the hospital for sure.  Good thing we have a great pediatrician.
My sick boy at the doctor's office.  He always puts on a smile when the camera is around.
When I asked him why he smiled, his smile faded. He was really sick.
Well this the latest that I have without thinking too hard since I am still tired and my brain is so not working the way that it is normally working. :P Dumb thing.  I will keep you posted on what the doctors say.  I know for me they want me back to have more blood work done in June to make sure that I have the right dose for the hypothyroidism.  Hopefully something wonderful will happen between now and then to combat the bad that has been happening.

Monday, April 20, 2015

What a week!

Ok so this is going to be a very short post with lots of pictures. :)  I know you can hardly stand it, right?  Well it was Spirit Week this past week and every day was different.  It was AWESOME to dress up and have fun.  So we had pictures taken before school and there was a lot of laughs and getting ready for a fun week every day.

Monday - Mismatch
Tuesday - Hat Day
Wednesday - Superhero Day
Thursday - Sports Day
Friday - Fresh (Fancy)

Here is us getting ready for the day Monday.

I took it!
You can't reach it. Aren't I a stinker.
Ok so maybe you can reach it a little.
But now I have it and you need to get ready for the bus. HAHA!
Pose for the camera. HAHA!
He is not posing.
Well I almost got him to look.
He is looking, but not like he wants to. LOL!!!
He cracks me up!!!
Trying to distract me to get he bear. HA! Knew your plot all along.
That is right, you ain't getting it. Oh the buss is here!!
Time for school!!  HI HO HI HO... Oh the fun I am going to have.
Ain't she a cutie? YEP!
On we go and we are one of the few dressed up besides other staff.  I had a blast and I let her know that it was important when giving the chance to dress up to dress up.  I love to dress up!!!  If I could get paid to dress up every day I totally would!!!

Getting ready to head out the door Tuesday.... HAT DAY!!!
And the trying on of hats begins.
Hmmmm.... let's see how this will look.
What do you think?
Ta-da! Apparently I am super funny looking in this hat.
I can't be that funny, can I?
Ok cracking up! ARRRR!!!
Who is captain here?
Oh yeah I can be smug too!
Who is going to win the staring contest?
I did! On to the next hat.
Witch and ?????
HAHA! We both have magic!!
What is so funny?
Oh my hat was bent, great now it is fixed. Better?
On the the pirate hat that is fuzzy. :)
Yep I look great! ARRRR!!!!
But I like the lights on this hat. Making faces to see if anything changes.
Nope we look GREAT!!!  Off to school with smiles.
Oh wait pirates are not suppose to smile. HAHAHA!!!
What a day!  Hats everywhere and it was super windy and they got blown around during lunch.  But it was fun to see the teachers and all their hats.  HAHAHA!!!

Wednesday, Superheros to the rescue!!! Oh boy oh boy.

Discussing battle plans. LOL!
Captain America and Batgirl!!
Now that we are dressed for the crime fighting I guess we better go fight crime.
Who am I kidding, it is cold outside.
See told you SNOW!!!!  How are we going to fight crime in the snow?
At least we can look good trying to fight crime.
Get ready!
Go!  Time is still for no one!!!
What a great day we had fighting crime!  We didn't win anything but we had a blast trying to win whatever they had.  HAHAHA!!!!  Even though it snowed it didn't shake out spirit.

Thursday was sports day.  Ugh!  That is right I am not a sports person, well I am and I enjoy doing some sports but dressing the part was tough work.  Trying to think of the sport that I enjoyed the most and I couldn't decide so I went with all of them.  LOL!!!!

All sorts of giggles before school.
We have to the U of U sports and the Oympics.
I made the ribbon myself and used a ball for basketball.
Strike a pose!  HAHAHA!
Do you need a ball with your outfit?
It's FLAT!  Oh wait you are not suppose to have a ball to being with at school anyways.
Fine I will take it back.
Make the poses count. Fine I will pose by myself sine it is too funny for Nikole.
Now that we have had a party posing we head to school.
Ok so I had way too much fun with the streamer.  I walked through the school waving it around and had a blast!!!!  I was the only one that dressed like a person in the Olympics.  I did have kids ask me what sports person I was dressed as.  That is so very sad that kids in Jr high don't get it unless they think about it lots.

Friday was finally here and it was called "Fresh Friday".  Lucky for me the school had a PowerPoint on the spirit week since I had no clue what "fresh" meant.  It meant FANCY!  So now we are at Fancy Friday and the end of the week.  YEA!!!!!
This is Nikole's dress, and it looks better on her than me. HAHA!
How cute is she?
Yep this is also Nikole's dress.  I LOVE IT!!!  I wish it was mine.
Yep this one is mine, a nice fuzzy deep navy blue.
My sexy momma shoes with my nice blue dress.
See I told you she looks fabulous in this dress.
My princess!
Finally picked out dresses!!!  Taking a bow! 

We took so many pictures that I couldn't make up my mind on the pictures to post so I posted all of them.  We lasted all day in those heels, yes we ROCK!  She looked amazing and I also got so many comments on the dress and the shoes.  LOVED dressing up!!!!

Sunday came and I had spent the night picking out the slip for this next dress and I wanted to try it on Nikole.  She asked me why and my thought was, "You are my real life barbie doll." HAHAHA!!!
Yep that is right my wedding dress fits my 13 year old.
Yes I had a ling train on my wedding dress. :)
Yes I know she didn't do her hair but still she is beautiful!!!
This was our dress up week and we loved every minute of it.  I will post again soon. :)
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