Saturday, November 29, 2014

It all started as an "OH NO!" and turned into a disaster

Written 10-29-14

It all started as an oh no and turned into a disaster.

Our toilet was leaking into our basement and destroying the floor in the process.  So we decided that we had to do something and that meant pulling out the leaking toilet and repair the damaged floor and put new floor and toilet down. (FYI if you ever redo a bathroom you might want to keep in mind that it would be helpful to have a second bathroom.)  Oh as we were pulling things out like the vanity and the toilet we were sad to see that there was so much more damage than expected.  We had to take the tub out in order to go under that to make sure we got all the bad wood out.  It was disheartening to see just how much we were really going to have to do in order to make the bathroom decent again.

Gratefully my parents have been willing and able to help me by letting all of my kids stay with them.  My parents are the best!!!  They get all my kids up and out the door. My dad even takes Rhett and Dylan to school since they go to schools that are a long ways away and the buses only pick up them up at my house.  My mom takes Nikole and Gavin to school. It helps completely that she works at the school that Gavin attends. 

If this couldn’t be worse we just add to it.  

We pulled everything out Saturday and Sunday and by Wednesday we still didn’t have a floor.  After a rough weekend without kids and a bathroom, since this is our only bathroom right now, I was grateful for the week to start.  As I was headed out of the house Monday morning I get a call from a debt collector on my cell phone for a $47 bill from IHC Homecare Bountiful.  I was in tears!  I couldn’t even understand why all this was happening to my family.  It would be different if I didn’t have to deal with all the multiple thing that I have to continually juggle.  So after a day and talking to my husband about bills that we need to pay, I called IHC.  Let’s just say some people were more helpful than others.  I finally got in touch with a manager over accounts at IHC and the financial assistants.  She was downright mean!  I tried to explain to her that we are really struggling and to be getting multiple bills and when they all cover each other it make it really hard to keep track of them all.  She told me that I should make a spreadsheet and good luck.  I tried to tell her that I get bills from several places that are all on payment plans, not including the major payment plan for my two surgeries and Rhett one surgery.  I informed her that because I work and my husband works we don’t qualify for help from anywhere.  We own a duplex that we rent out and it covers the mortgage so my boys are not covered by Medicaid and they won’t be because of that.  I let her know that we have already gotten help once this year with medical bills for the boys from Angel's Hands Foundation

I have calculated that I get a bill from the OB, IHC homecare Bountiful, IHC homecare SLC, IHC clinic, U of U, Neurology learning and behavior, orthodontist, and Anesthesiologist for my surgeries and the boys.  Yep you counted right that is at least 8 bills because of the multiple bills that I get from IHC.  That is several payment plans and payments every month.  When I told her that we have met our out of pocket max (which is $8000) and starting in January it is going to go back to $0 and we will have to start all over with everything.  Those payment plans are just going to increase.  Right now our big payment plan from the hospitals are about $4000 and the payments are about $160 every month.  With all those other bills it is at the minimum of $25 every month.  But there are at least 8 bills listed so I would be paying $200 for those 8 other bills plus $160 that makes it $360 every month.  Oh and if any other balances are added to the balance that we have now they are going to increase the payment in order to pay it off in 6-12 months.  Not included in this is the orthodontist bill.  I told them that I will pay them when I can and they are great at working with me on that.
I tried to tell this manager on the phone but I get this response, ‘Well even if they were all on the payment plan we would have the payments really high in order to pay it off in 6-12 months’. After talking with this woman on the phone I was almost in tears.  She said well sorry we cannot help you.

At that point I was trying so hard not to just break down and cry.  It made me want to regret having my kids.  HOW DARE THAT WOMAN DO THAT TO ME!!!!!  My kids are treasures and should be cherished not regretted.  Why would she do something like that?  I have not eaten in days I just feel sick to my stomach.

I thought about apologizing to the woman that I talk to saying…. “I am so sorry that I gave birth to my children who have medical needs and will have to fight to pay the medical bills.  I know that if I had adopted them they would always be covered by Medicaid.”  Just writing this today I chocked down some instant breakfast praying that it stays down.

This whole situation is too much.  I need help and I am not even sure where to go for help.


I am still not back to "normal" if that is what you call it.  I can eat but not lots and not often. My favorite food that doesn't make me sick is sushi.  LOL!  I know land locked state and that is a favorite.  My bathroom is still nonexistent. We are barely hanging on with all the money issues that we have.  I have had to put this whole bathroom on a credit card, I mean heck let me check my pockets do I have $4000 to fix everything that needed to be fixed in my bathroom? Uh no.  So in order to have a toilet and a tub working that is what was needed.  At least I can see that we might have a working bathroom before next weekend which would be the best thing ever after having none for over a month.

I am still unsure how I feel about so much. I am working on trying to figure out how I feel and why I feel that way. I think that will take sometime, and that it is going to be hard for me since I am not use to doing that very much.  Is everything in life hard? I would hope not.

I am so grateful for Crystal and Jared Hess that came over to my house and helped with the tub taking out business and the tiling of the wall business.  They are a huge blessing!!!  Thank you ever so much!!!!!! Crystal has been getting my boys after school and taking them to my parent house for me because I can't and the buses don't bus them there. I believe that it is stressful for her to do that for me but I am so grateful.

It is now almost December and my mom called to find out what we are getting the kids for Christmas.  I told her that I am not getting anything.  I just put a bathroom in my house that is all I can do for this year.  She asked if my spouse was going to get anything.  I told her that I didn't know.  I think she is frustrated too.  I completely understand.

I was thinking the other day that it is a miracle that I am as sane as I am right now. There is so much going on in my life that could cause me to lose it completely but thankfully to the music I am listening to it is somehow keeping me grounded.  I know you will think it is weird but it is what is holding me together right now. Thank you Kim Hyun-Joong and SS501(Triple S)!!  I have been listening over and over. Even if it is the same songs and the fact that I don't understand everything being said, but it is so relaxing to me.  His music and their music have touched something in me that I didn't even know about until I heard it. This is just one of the many that I love to hear. I know Jan Hernandez would crack up reading this, but she is introduced me to this music. Thanks Jan!!! :)

Just the other day when I took Rhett to the Cardiologist he did a 6 minute walk test and came out with really high blood pressure.  So now the cardiologist is referring him to a Nephrology (the branch of medical science that deals with the kidney) doctor.  Now we have another doctor to add to the list of lists.  But the doctor was wondering if there is something going on with his kidneys, since the main reason for having high blood pressure in children is linked to the kidneys.  So we are having lab work done the beginning of December and the middle of December we are seeing the kidney doctor.  But what I don't understand is that if it says something about this syndrome affecting the kidneys, why hasn't anyone wanted to check it out before?  Oh wait maybe that is because they just found out what the boys have in March.  Even so it says so right there in print:

Short Rib-Polydactyly Syndrome Type 2 An autosomal recessive lethal skeletal dysplasia (OMIM:263520) characterised by markedly short ribs, short limbs, polydactyly and multiple anomalies including a narrow thorax with hypoplastic lungs, extreme polysyndactyly, dysproportionate dwarfism, median cleft lip and palate a ventricular septal defect and cystic Kidneys.

Shortened and horizontal ribs, squared scapulae and elevated clavicles with lateral kinking, normal spine and pelvis configuration, and shortening of the bones of all four extremities, with extreme reduction of tibial bone length.

Molecular pathology
Defects in NEK1, which encodes and enzyme thought to have a role in controlling meiosis and cilia assembly, cause short rib- polydactyly syndrome type 2.

All of that is found here:,+Majewski+type

But now I question it because everywhere I look the infants have died at birth or right after.  I understand that they told me that Rhett would die after he was born, but I refused to accept that since I was so very sick with him.  But I figured out that the chances of having a child with SRPS are .0075%.  So that got me thinking and I am not wondering "HOW THE HECK I ENDED UP WITH TWO?" according to the doctors.  If it is really that rare how did that happen and how are they still alive?  I will be in contact with the genetics office this week to get the boys in to discuss this whole thing.  The appointment will probably be months away because that is how doctors roll.

I am seriously thinking of starting a fundraiser to help cover the medical costs that we have. My sister said she would help..... I wonder.  I think that would help me destress, even if it a little, and I think that might help Rhett not try to turn blue to because he doesn't want to pay for oxygen.  HAHAHA!  You would think it is free.  I told him that I didn't have to pay for it since he was changing tanks often.  But in my opinion he shouldn't have to worry about how much money his medical needs cost.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Quick update now

I need to apologize.... I have been having a hard time getting on the computer and blogging like I used to do.  I feel bad because I feel like it makes my posts forever long.  I will try to keep this post short and sweet but no guarantee.

Rhett had his follow up with the neurosurgeon the end of September and there is no change in fluid.  Since they put in the slowest draining tube they didn't expect to see a change.  We were told to go to the eye doctor and see if he says anything.  We are seeing the eye doctor this next week.  Not looking forward to that since he says that there is extreme pain behind his eye(s).  I can't remember if it was on eye that he is having pain with or if it is both of them.  Sigh!  He is struggling in school and failing classes and I have no idea how to encourage him to do better, or help him.  He just has no desire to do anything once he comes home.  If you have any suggestions that would be awesome!  He is having a harder time breathing and I noticed that on his trip down to Cedar City for the Shakespearean competition.  The nurse also noticed and so did the teachers that went with us.  I will have to post about the Shakespearean competition in another post hopefully soon.  Maybe I can do that this next week since I might have time next week.

Gavin has been acting out more often then he was since summer.  Not sure what to do with him.  He got into trouble for sliding discs around on a field trip and for not listening to the person that drops him off at home. :(  I am not sure what to do with him.  I am so lost!  I am concerned that something will happen to him since I had to contact the cops after dropping him off at school one day because of a man that was exposing himself walking around the neighborhood while the kids are walking to school.  Seriously stupid man!  Oh well Gavin is going to be walking again and I just pray that nothing happens to him.

Nikole is in the school musical and is so excited!  She also had an amazing term at school and was able to make it onto the warrior club.  Warrior club is for kids at the end of term that are getting a 3.2 or higher.  She had all A and A- except for one class and that one class she had a C-.  Go figure!  She is in after school programs like there is no tomorrow.  Everyday she is there after school.  I have told her that it is her responsibility to talk to her teachers and do what she can to keep all the A's that she has now.  Right now she is selling(well taking donations) for tickets.  They are having a competition between all the kids in the musical to see who can "sell" the most tickets.  They are only a $1 donation per ticket.  If you would be interested coming to see Nikole in the "High School Musical Jr" please let me know.  She would love to "sell" the most tickets.

Dylan got glasses and is still so funny.  He really enjoys playing with his eyebrows and shows me all the time and asks me if I remember.  He is the best at coming home from school and sitting down and doing homework.  Grateful that there isn't much fighting to get him to do his homework done.  Just found out that Dylan is suppose to do a science project and I am clueless on how to help a 1st grader do a science project since he is suppose to do it on his own mostly.  Oh well we will see if he ends up failing 1st grade for not doing a science project.  HAHAHA!!!

Things for me have been really stressful, and I haven't blogged about it because I am not sure what to say.  Plus I feel like I would be complaining if I blogged about it.  So maybe the next post I can go into detail about what is going on for me other then the kids.
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