Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Oh my... long over due!

Now that things are less crazy at my house I hope to be able to blog more.  LOL!  I am feeling really bad about not keeping up as well as I was but I can only do so much.

Rhett is doing so much better at school than he was.  The staff have talked to the kids and let them know if they bother Rhett again then they will have some major consequences.  That made my day.  Since one of them didn't stop and was not able to attend school for a little bit and that changed that child's mind about giving Rhett a hard time.  The other one stopped after the school staff talked to him.  I am so very grateful.  I ask Rhett all the time how school is and if everyone is being nice and he tells me all the time so far that they are being really nice.  (SMILE)  I am so glad since it makes it so much easier for him to be able to go to school.  Now the pressure for him to get all A's is on.  I made a deal with him that if he got all A's I would get him a cell phone with conditions.  Meaning he cannot have it out playing it at school or calling weird people that I don't know, and he has to keep it safe.  He is working really hard since he really wants it.  It is good that he is willing to work so hard for something like that.  Once he gets it the only way to keep it is to keep his grades up, that way he knows it is a privilege not something that you get for free like everyone on his bus thinks.  He asked me the other day why am I the only one that doesn't have a cell phone on my bus?  I said because maybe the parents don't care how their child is doing in school, but it really didn't matter because I expect a lot from you.  He looked at me like this isn't fair and I informed him that life is sometimes not fair and he is going to have to get over that.  It is the beginning of a new term so he has all A's right now and I told him that he just has to keep them there.  No problem.  He looked at me like I had green hair or something.  I love being a mom!  It is great to see him be more focused and ready to take on the task of being responsible.

Nikole is doing ok, could be doing better.  She was worried so much about her reading group work and her ELP work that she forgot the focus should be on the class room work.  So her and several other kids that were in those have been pulled back into the class room to make sure they understand that the work in the class comes first no matter what.  She tells me she is ok with that but then acts all depressed and sad.  What the heck little girl!  What will it take to motivate her?  I have to come up with something and fast before it affects her school performance more.  She loves reading and would rather read than do anything else that I can think of right now so it is good.  She is such a great reader that I am not sure why she does some of the things that she does.  She enjoys walking to school with Gavin, which I think is great!  I tell them everyday that I love them and to take care of each other as the go to and from school.

Gavin is super smart!  He now has to come up with sentences with his spelling word in it and he gets them off the top of his head!  Man I wish I could have done that at his age. :)  He is getting better and better at waking up when I call his name to get him up which is great!  I ask him how he is doing in school and the only struggle he has is staying on "wonderful day" so that is pretty good right?  We are working at getting him to the point that he will be great at school and be on task the majority of the time if not always.  He gets all his homework done before he gets home and if he doesn't he gets it done in less than 5 minutes that little stinker.  He loves to read and reads every night no matter what.  I am happy that he enjoys books and I hope that he always will.

Dylan loves school!  Well that is what I tell him.  LOL!  He is normally one of the first 3 people to wake up and get going in the morning what is crazy for a 3 year old but heck I hope that he will always be a early riser.  He gets on the bus all grumpy in the morning after smiling and being happy.  WEIRD!  Then after the bus starts moving and he leaves the street that we live on he is all happy according to the bus driver.  What is up with that little man?  What a funny boy for sure!  Every now and then I will send some fruit for a snack to school with him.  Today it was oranges, and he looked so excited to take them to school.  Cracks me up!  He is so expressional and you will almost always know what he is thinking by looking at his face.  He loves mimicking what mommy and daddy say and do so we are working hard to make sure that we are saying and doing what we need to do right so he isn't doing anything we don't want him not to do.  Just yesterday I said "Oh boy" and this little boy sitting next to me tried saying "oh boy" it was so funny having it come out of his mouth because it isn't every day a 3 year old says that.

I am trying to stay busy and sometimes I do and sometimes I don't it is normally a hit and miss thing.  The kids we so cute for Halloween and I was surprised how well everything went together.  They costumes were GREAT according to me and they even liked them which was brownie points for me.

Here are my PUPPIES!

This is one of my Black Labs that I had.

My other Black Lab.

My Dalmatian, look at them spots.

And my little brown puppy.  Not sure if he is a mix, a lab, or any other dog.

Yep here they are in all their excitement.  Well as for me I was the dog catcher.  I do it all the time anyway so what is wrong with me doing it on Halloween anyways?

See piece of cake!  Thanks Brynne for the awesome idea!

My sister helped me make some awesome cakes for the scout auction and ward party that I couldn't attend since I had other places I had to be at.  She was amazing!  See how cool she is to help me with all of these?

Chocolate Cat aka Black Cat.

Bag of Trick or Treat candy.  Yummy!

Trick or Treat!  Yummy!

All 3 of them together!  
Thanks Hillary I couldn't have done it all with out you!

Now I am looking forward to getting my house clean and ready for the rest of the holidays that are fast approaching!  I will have to update more later but for now this will have to do. :)


Emily said...

Oh man, I wish I could make some cakes with you guys.... they look so fun!

And, I LOVE the puppy idea. That is SO much easier than what we did here..... I'm going to have to remember that for next year. :)

brigette said...

Your kiddos looked so cute for Halloween! I love the cakes as well nice job!

Hesses Madhouse said...

YAY for kids doing well. I've been out of the loop for so long. Taking a little time tonight now that the 120-something page paper is done. PHEW!!! I also had to do my sidebar and just put your blog back up there, so I should be lurking more often. I hope you'll write again soon, so I can hear all about your great kids! Hope Rhett was able to get his cell phone. ;oD

Hope life is treating you well!

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