So much has happened since I was able to make my computer work well enough to blog. So here's to hoping that I can get it all in before it over heats and shuts down.
Ok so the week that I posted last was the week of parent teacher conferences for Nikole and Gavin. On top of that was also the bookfair at their school that I told them I would help with. But since Rhett was having issues Sunday I stayed home to make sure he was ok after school. He came home and almost instantly fell asleep and slept for 3 hours! Ok he does realize that bedtime is 7:30 pm and I don't make exceptions on school nights. He did go to sleep around 8 pm. I hope that he is ok. Monday nights are usually hard trying to get them back in the swing of things.
Tuesday I was a good day and I was able to help in the bookfair. Rhett was told to sit and do homework while I was busy helping. Did he NO! What is wrong with him? Maybe it is his age thing but still it would sure help if he would do what he is asked to do without a lot of drama.
Wednesday this got crazy trying to fit in both parent teacher conferences. We were really late for one but daddy doesn't get off in time to meet earlier. But both Gavin and Nikole are doing great! They need to stay focused and have better behavior but other then that their grades are GREAT! So proud of my kids! They are super smart and they know it. LOL!
Thursday I was able to help in the bookfair again for a little while but then it was like I was running to make sure everything was taken care of since that is a crazy night for me because daddy has things he has to do and is not available to help with anything on those nights.
Friday is finally here! So happy to be able to say we got through that week, but I guess I spoke too soon. As I was watching Dylan and helping in the bookfair I was told that we were going to draw some classes to break pinatas since the theme of the bookfair was fiesta. After calling down the 1st class and having a great turn out, the 2nd class came down to break their pinata. Oh the joys of pinatas! Well after we started not to far into the class there was one girl that found the rope that I was hanging onto with the stick and swung at my head. It was like I saw it in slow motion. As she swung I just dropped the rope and fell backwards on purpose. Didn't hurt me but I wasn't sure if I would make it out of the way of the stick before I would get hit. That was goal was not to get hit with the stick. Well didn't get hit and didn't get hurt. Scared the crap out of everyone there but I was having a blast! Then the next girl started swinging towards Dylan who was very close to the windows and as she got closer to him I moved between her and my baby with the rope in front of me hoping that we would all make it out alive. Did I mention that this was a 5th grade class? Opps I guess I left that out. Anyways since I could see that this was going to end badly if I didn't do something I reached out as she swung and grabbed the rope and the stick at the same time without getting hurt. Put a end to that. Finally they broke it open and that was that, or that is what I thought. The principle saw what had happened and came to ask me if I was ok since all he saw was the girl swing and me fall. LOL! I told him that I was fine and dandy. Well then I was told that we were going to finish breaking all of the rest of the pinatas which meant 3 more classes to swing. Oh boy oh boy... Well I was the only crazy one willing to hold the rope and have the kids swing a stick around close to me. he he he So I went out and we got through almost 2 classes before my phone. Well it was my husband and when I tried answering it I couldn't hear anything since the kids were all screaming and having a grand time. So as soon as we were finished with that class I called him back to see what was going on before the next class came for their turn whacking that candy out of the paper. This is what I was told on the phone...
Rhett's school called and there was an issue that happened and they couldn't get a hold of me. I asked what happened and I was informed that Rhett admitted that he had smeared poop on the wall in the bathroom. I was like WHAT!?!?! Ok now what do I do? I asked my husband if I needed to go get him and he said that they didn't say, so I hung up and he called me back within 2 minutes and said yes you need to go get him. OK! GREAT, not really... Ok it is going to take me at least a half in hour to get there. I hung up and realized that I had one more class to go. CRAP! Ok let's get this party started and get it over with. Well this class took it's time and I had to let them know that they had to wrap it up before the bell rang and then Rhett's school was calling me asking where I was and how soon I was going to be there etc... I told them that I had to my car and then I would head out ASAP. Hoping to be there before 12:30pm. Well I raced home with Dylan after I had let everyone know that there was an issue that I had to leave for and I was sorry that I couldn't stay and help them like I had planned.
I pull up to Rhett's school pissed off since this is something that he knows he shouldn't do. There were kids outside ready to get on the bus that were middle and high schooled age children. As they saw me get out of my car there eyes went from normal size to big. I hope they were thinking oh crap don't mess with her. Since that is how I felt. I was so mad it wasn't funny. I go in and the school psychologist was there waiting for me. She explained to me that what Rhett was saying about wiping poop and writing in wasn't adding up and she also explained to me that it took them over a hour to calm him down since they had informed him that I was going to be told and that he was going to have to explain everything to me. I guess he knows that you just don't mess with me. They were hoping that I could get more info out of him but nothing that they haven't heard. It still didn't add up and make much since but oh well... There was nothing I could say or do to get new info from him. As he was telling me all what had happened he did say that he was just so very mad since there was at least 2 people that have been picking on him. OH MY &%*^$!!!!! I was pissed but I contained it. I found out that some of the kids have been swearing at him since the 5th day of school and then they started playing the "F" game meaning that you would get hit if you saw the letter 'F' below the waist but he was getting hit no matter where the 'F' was. I WAS SO PISSED!!! At this point I wanted to clobber these kids that have been hurting my son. I asked him to hit me as hard as this one boy has hit him, and he told me that he wouldn't. I informed him that I could handle it after almost being hit in the head, but then he told me that he cannot hit me that hard because he can't hit as hard as this boy. OH MY GOSH!!! Can you say MAD!!!! I wanted to do more damage and I was so glad that there were some days in between that day and the next day of school. It took such a long time to talk to him and get all the info out of him, I mean I got at his school around 12:30 pm but I didn't get to leave there with him until almost 3:30 pm!!! Holy CRAP child when I want answers you better give them to me faster than that!! I had planned to take the kids to a pumpkin patch at 3:00 pm but no... I called and let CR and Amy that we were running late and we would be there as soon as I could. Then I had to find Nikole and Gavin since they were in the after school program and I had told everyone that I needed them at the school and to keep them there. Found out that they were out on a field trip and I had to stop by the place that they were at and pick them up. I headed home to pick up daddy and then hit the road to the pumpkin patch. We got lost trying to find it and then when we finally found it the kids were so excited since they have never been to a pumpkin patch.
Here are some pictures of each kids and their pumpkins. LOL!!!
I will post more pictures trying to catch up a little later.
The kids loved it!!! It was fun being able to do something that we have never been able to do before. I was so happy that the day was over since it was a very long day.
So Saturday it was S.I.B.S. (Super Important Brother and Sister) day at PCMC (Primary Children's Medical Center)! I was so happy since this is something that is just for Gavin and Nikole. The hospital puts this program on for siblings of children with special needs. I am glad that it gives them some place that they can meet other kids like them that also have a sibling that has special needs even if they are not exactly the same as Rhett and Dylan. I had to take Rhett with me to the hospital because he had so much homework that he needed to get done before Monday. So while daddy took Dylan to baseball I took all the other kids up to the hospital. I dropped Gavin and Nikole off and then took Rhett with me to the parent hour they have, so parents can meet other parents dealing with some of the same problems. I sat Rhett down at a table and informed him that he was going to sit here and do homework the whole time. while Nikole and Gavin are playing. After meeting with the other parents I sat down with Rhett and read my book while he did homework after homework. After the end of S.I.B.S. day I went home with all the kids thinking that Rhett had actually finished all of his homework. I found out Monday morning that Rhett missed one subject and could finish it. But other than that he got the rest of it done.
Sunday I informed Rhett that he would have to talk to the bishop about what had happened at school and his eyes size went from normal to golf ball size really quickly. I am hoping that he has learned his lesson and will never do anything like that again. He had a great talk with the bishop and worked everything out. I am so very grateful for having Christ in my life and showing my children that they are important to him and to my family.
So come Monday I had to take Rhett to the orthodontist since he had a tooth fall out that that had the band on it. But before I went on a field trip with Dylan's class to the fire station. We walked there from the school and they had a BLAST!!
Here are some pictures of the great time that they had. LOL!
We were at the doctors office a lot longer than I thought. So I took him back to school after and headed home. By the time I got home the kids were getting out of school. What the heck the appointment was at 11:00 am. Oh well at least that is taken care of and he isn't scratching the inside of his mouth like crazy any more.
Tuesday was a normal day! It is about time... I am grateful for at least one normal day in my life. LOL! Usually they don't last long and I was right it didn't By Wednesday there was no school for Nikole, Gavin, and Dylan. Rhett was the only one that had school that day. So Wednesday morning I took all of the 3 younger kids with me to the dentist but the appointment was for me not for any of them. ARGH! Having the kids run around while they clean my teeth really sucks! Find out that I have some cavities and I am not happy about it but at least it isn't too horrible. But I am working really hard to make sure I don't get any more. Next time I go I will NOT take any of my kids. he he he... Then as soon as I was done there I headed toward Rhett's and Dylan's school because both of their IEP's were set up for that day. But before the IEP's Rhett had to meet with the school director, the psychologist and myself. So they grabbed him and went over what had happened on Friday and told them that there are consequences for his actions and that we were all there to discuss what was going to happen. So we went over a contract that Rhett needed to sign since he was the one that confessed and admitted that he did something that he shouldn't have. Then after we went through that and signed it then it was IEP time... Oh the joys! NOT!! Rhett's IEP was first and come to find out he should have had an interpreter ever since first grade but that is a long story and it is all in the past. Then because he is so stinking smart he doesn't qualify for an IEP if he doesn't have speech or speech goals. Oh I am so pissed about getting all this info that would have been nice way back then. Then Dylan's IEP was right after and he is behind but ready to move forward. He is going to be going into a new class starting Monday. We will have to see how things will go since he will be in a different class than his friend Autumn. They have been together since the beginning so we will have to see how he handles being separated from her. LOL!! After the IEP's it was time to go and we walk out to the car and I ask Rhett where his backpack and stuff was, at this he looked speechless. GRRR.... So I sent him in and told him to hurry and I waited in the car after 30 minutes I sent Nikole in to find him and she came back out and couldn't find them. So I get out and start searching the school for Rhett. I was getting more and more frustrated the more I looked. I finally found him in his science class. After he gathered everything up I sent him out to the car and talked a little with the teacher and left. I didn't get home until about 6 pm!! WHAT!!! It shouldn't have taken that long. Oh well. I went to my meeting Wednesday night and had a great time learning and being away and out of the house by myself.
Thursday was a day that I was glad that it ended. We stayed home and I was telling Rhett to do his homework all day long.
Friday was just like Thursday! GRRR..... I told him that if he didn't get what he needed to get done then we would not be going to U-fit. He finally finished everything that was homework except for his airplane project. Oh man it is going to be a long weekend! All the kids were lucky enough to be able to go to U-fit and have fun.
Saturday was a day. WOW! First thing in the morning we had Gavin throwing up until at least noon with the 24 hour stomach flu. On top of that Dylan refused to eat dinner so he was so hungry that he threw up too. Then we were suppose to meet with someone but we had to let them know that we couldn't since we had sick kids. Rhett was working on his project using my computer starting at 8:00 - 9:00 am. well he worked on it the whole day. Since Gavin was feeling better and so was Dylan was too. Nikole did was she was asked to do all 3 of them were able to go to a birthday party with daddy for their cousin. They had a great time. I was bummed and so was Rhett, but since his project wasn't finished we both stayed home and he worked on and on. He got it all finished by 9:00 pm. YES!!! Now on to the next project. :( He has at least 3 other math projects that need to be done this school year. One every term, but still it is crazy! It is nice that he is being pushed at school to his potential, but still it is a lot of work for me trying to keep him focused and on task. The end of the term is October 27th. I am looking forward to starting a new term and informing him that he has to work hard to get good grades. LOL! We will see how he is doing soon.
Sunday was a pretty relaxing day since Rhett's homework was done and of course the house that was clean was not so clean anymore but at that moment I really didn't care since it was such a long weekend. I am looking forward to school Monday morning and the craziness that happens at those times. I also have to figure out costumes for all the kids. :( Oh heck I am going to need prayers and lots of them.
I am so sorry it took so long to update you all but with my computer having fits I never know how long I can be on the computer before it dies. I hope to update more often and post more pictures. I know I will update the photos first but still...
Monday, October 24, 2011
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Can you believe it!
There is so much that I have to do and not even enough time to do it all in.
Rhett has a huge math project that is due this month and of course he has left it to the last minute. Then it is I who gets to help him try to figure out everything that he needs to do. I expect him to get good grades and I told him that. He can get good grades and I demand it. Maybe I am a mean mom but I know he is able to get this amazing grades if he tries a little bit. The topic of his project is Airplanes and Aviation. He has to present it and make sure that it represents math and how math is part of Airplanes and Aviation.
He just wanted to do that subject because he likes airplanes. GRRRR..... He doesn't want to explain anything about math he wants to show pictures, and just tell everyone how big they are or how fast they go. So now I am in the process of trying to get him to understand that he needs to do more than just say this airplane is big and can hold lots of stuff, or this airplane is the fastest ever built. That is not how it works! Thankfully he has a little time before ti is due but he had this weekend to do the rough draft and turn in that Monday so we have placed many hours studying airplanes but mostly looking up the "cool" airplanes according to him.
I guess you can say he has his work cut out for him. For me too even though I am not going to school. :( That is a Bummer. I have thought about going to school again but that takes a thing called money that I am still working at acquiring. LOL! Before next year I will have it all! HE HE HE!
What would you do if you felt like you didn't have anyone to talk to about things close to the heart? I find myself holding it all in trying to keep it at bay and hoping that nobody will notice.
Rhett has a huge math project that is due this month and of course he has left it to the last minute. Then it is I who gets to help him try to figure out everything that he needs to do. I expect him to get good grades and I told him that. He can get good grades and I demand it. Maybe I am a mean mom but I know he is able to get this amazing grades if he tries a little bit. The topic of his project is Airplanes and Aviation. He has to present it and make sure that it represents math and how math is part of Airplanes and Aviation.
He just wanted to do that subject because he likes airplanes. GRRRR..... He doesn't want to explain anything about math he wants to show pictures, and just tell everyone how big they are or how fast they go. So now I am in the process of trying to get him to understand that he needs to do more than just say this airplane is big and can hold lots of stuff, or this airplane is the fastest ever built. That is not how it works! Thankfully he has a little time before ti is due but he had this weekend to do the rough draft and turn in that Monday so we have placed many hours studying airplanes but mostly looking up the "cool" airplanes according to him.
I guess you can say he has his work cut out for him. For me too even though I am not going to school. :( That is a Bummer. I have thought about going to school again but that takes a thing called money that I am still working at acquiring. LOL! Before next year I will have it all! HE HE HE!
What would you do if you felt like you didn't have anyone to talk to about things close to the heart? I find myself holding it all in trying to keep it at bay and hoping that nobody will notice.
Saturday, October 8, 2011
What now???
It has been very hard for me.
I will have to explain a little later in the next post but first thing first.
Rhett saw the Orthopedic surgeon the end of last month and he had some x-rays done. We also went over all the things that happened health wise last month. His knee is actually moving or should I say correcting itself and hopefully in 6 months they can take the pins our of his knee and his leg will be straight. The doctor went over the pulmonary reports and has decided not to do a chest expansion this month. It makes me wonder if he is nervous about what was going on with Rhett's heart. It wouldn't surprise me since I am nervous but I doubt that I will get any answers anyways. It has been hard on Rhett watching from the side line and having no control over his body. He has told me once again how much he hate his oxygen, and I looked at him and said I am sorry too bad you have to have it. I was helping him do his homework and he kept kicking my butt getting it done before I could even help him. Why does he ask for help when he doesn't need it? Maybe he just wants to see the look of shock on my face as he gets his work done? LOL! That wouldn't surprise me at all. It is amazing how smart he really is. It has to be hard on him with his health problems being what they are and having such a smart little head on your body. We got the heart monitor that Dr. Day wanted to have Rhett use for a month he has had a few episodes where his heart is pounding but he forgets to push the button to record it. ARGH! That is frustrating to say the least. And then to top it off when he wasn't having the issues he would push the button to test the monitor to make sure it is working. WHAT?!?! Seriously can't he just do what the doctors have asked him to do or does he need a babysitter? I guess we will see what this week holds. He got a stomach bug from Dylan that only lasts 24 hours and it was horrible for each of them, throwing up all night and then really tired during the day hours. That can make for a long night but lucky for me he is better and so is Dylan and they are both sleeping. Now all we need to do is pray that the other 2 kids do not get sick at all.
Nikole is going to be getting her grades next week and I cannot wait to see how she is doing. She has a hard time staying focused and getting her work done. She has started getting it done before she comes home but there has been a few times that she doesn't and it makes for a long night. She has been bonding with Gavin and that has been a good thing for each of them. They go to school together and come home together and I want that to stay that way for a couple of year but I have to think of schooling for Nikole for when she goes to jr high school. Sad to be thinking about that at the beginning of 4th grade but the school I was thinking of putting her in you have to start in 5th grade and that just really sucks since I was hoping that she and Gavin could keep going to school together for a little longer. So now I have to look for a good school to put her in for jr high since I would really want her to stay at the school where she is at a while longer.
Mr Gavin is also going to be getting his grades next week too. I am almost giddy. LOL! I know I shouldn't be but I really want to make sure he is getting good grades and see where I can help him improve. He tells me every day that he was good and I sure hope he has been. He has been doing great at getting his homework done. There have been a few times I have to correct him on his homework by telling him that the "b" or the "d" is backwards and that it needs to be re-written. He doesn't like that at all but he does it willingly. He is ever so helpful if his reward is going to be video games. LOL!! It is amazing how much that little boy can get done in such a short period of time just to be able to play video games. He is also very into Star Wars and last year dressed up as Darth Vader. So on my cell phone I have his ring tone the Imperial March. As I was playing a whole bunch of possible ring tomes for the kids his face lit up the most from the songs that they were. I try to play them more just to get a small smile from that little handsome boy. He also has 3 loose teeth. Of course they are all in front. I wonder how cute he is going to look after he loses his baby teeth. I guess I will find out this school year. It is nice to see the bond that he has been forming with Nikole. Trying to get them to play together and be nice has always been hard until this year when they starting going to school together. I hope that they get closer over the years.
Dylan is a cutie! It is funny to see how happy that he is to go to school and after he walks out to the bus so happy he gets on and starts crying and doesn't want to go. LOL!! Very funny to see the drastic change in his attitude. But after a while on the bus he is fine and gets happy. So weird! He got sick this past week and had to be taken out of school at lunch time since he started throwing up. He didn't stop until really late that night. He stayed home the next day and then went back the day after just fine. I am ever so glad that it ended. I felt bad that he got sick at school. I told them that if I had known he was sick I wouldn't have sent him. They knew I would never do that. He loves school and he loves signing and being able to communicate with other people. He likes to try to be a big boy but sometimes doesn't realize that he is still a little boy. He was doing something that was quite funny yesterday, he was drinking some milk and with his mouth full of milk he would knock on my head and when I would turn to look at him he would do everything that he could to keep his mouth closed but if he smiled he would leak milk out of his mouth. I couldn't help but laugh at him doing it again and again. But he is healthy and happy and I hope that he stays that way for a while.
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